The best part of me is my beautiful long hair. I can style my pretty hair however I want. It is so clean and sparkly and as soft as a cat. Inside of the hairdressers I sit down and relax. My hair is as long as a snake. All of a sudden it started rubbing on my back. Swoosh swoosh! By Rylee
The best part of me is my hands I can wriggle my fingers. My fingers are long and fast at typing. At last my hands are as brave as a bear. I can feel lollies in my hand. As soon as I clap my hands I smell food. Poof, magic! Finally I can hear my heart beat with the stethoscope. By Izac
My Best part of me is … my feet and my feet help me jump. Boing. They are helpful because they help me stand and make me go high. My feet are as fast as a bunny because when I am in a racing I'm fast! By Aiden.
My favourite part of my body is my Hair, long and golden hair. It feels as soft as a pillow and its as long as a giraffe's neck. Swish when I look in the clean mirror I can see my beautiful Hair… by Shyloh
The best part of me is… my hands. Sometimes my hands are awful because they can smell like blood. It's annoying. Click my hands click! I love my hands because I game with them. My skin is as soft as feathers. Soon my hands are going to be big. Also, did I tell you I love them? Lastly I can't go to bed because I got a sugar rush! By Jorja
The best part of me is my hands because you can play video games with your controller. Ting my hand whacked the gold jar. No wonder it is so fun to have a hand. Wonder why it's called a hand? Maybe it is called a hand because you can use it to move while you are playing video games. My hand is as cool as a monster's hand. As soon as my fingers touch my keyboard they type quickly. By Alec
Ready set GO BANG went the double layer wood at the beginning of Cross Country. Scrunnnch went the grass and then… dash I went as fast as Sonic. Zoom went the others then I was second... then first… Benji was second.
My heart was pounding the person said "AND GO" at the start I could see the crowd staring at me. I was staring at them too. I knew I could smell the victory. THE FINISH LINE WAS RIGHT THERE OMG I WON. I could feel the frosty trophy. By Tawera
The best part of me.
As soon as my mighty hand was clenching onto the branch my hands knew what to do. I’m lifting my heavy body. Soon I will reach the top. By the way I can see birds, I can hear them chirping and I can feel the moss under my hands. As soon as I reach the top I feel victorious. Swish, I swing out like a gorilla. By JC
Finally across country. My time has come, my heart is pounding, I can taste the saliva. I'm ready! Zoom everyone starts the race. I can feel my calves burning thump thump thump. I can feel the green grass along my feet. At last I can claim victory! My muscles feel good! That was as fast as Usain's record. This is why I love my feet. I can do tons of cool stuff with them.
By Regan
The best part of me is my hands without them I can’t game. Also they type as fast as a cheetah. When food is in my hands I can smell the food that I am holding. All of a sudden I can feel the grease on my fingers. My thumbs are short and my fingers are long even though they’re not the same size I still like them. I can click them like the ‘click’ ow my ears hurt now because of my clicking that I just did. I can also see my fingerprint…
By Hayden
Push the strong kick of my feet hit the ball. I can see the goalie, I need this goal to get in the team. The field is so long. so I passed to Mihailo wow sometimes I forget how big the field is. As big as a elephant Then we zoomed up to the goalie. I heard the people cheering. Mihailo passed it to me. So I did a strong kick. I actually got it. Me and Mihailo claimed that victory. After a while we talked and at first I thought that we were losing but… we are winners. By Jesse
The best part about me is my head because without my head I would not be able to see, hear, smell or taste. That what be kinda bad to not be able to do anything your head. You will basically die without your head, because you would not exist. Your head controls your body movements. So that's why I love my head so much. By Hunter
My most valuable part of me is my torso it is as cool as a gamer. What would I do without my torso? My torso is super helpful and beautiful. Also it is healthy. I feel blood pumping but my torso is really old, 9 years old. Sometimes I can hear my heartbeat go GRRRR no virus. I can feel my skin go wobbly it makes me happy but it is weird! I just go with the flow by Max.