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Perspective of Popcorn

Katie: Just chillin in my bag with my family when one day it moved! WE HAD BEEN CHOSEN. But the others looked pretty scared. I don't know why? Maybe they're just shocked that we're moving? I know I’m excited. “Where are we going anyways?” I asked one of my friends “hmmm good question maybe ask someone else sorry” One hour past and nothing happened. Suddenly the bag started shaking beep beep beep zzzzzzzzzzzz what’s that noise? It's getting hotter & hotter POP! My friend just blew up “IT'S STARTED” everyone yelled in fear . Then everybody started to explode. I closed my eyes POP what? Is this heaven? It’s not how I imagined it. I thought it would be more glowy and white. Then I noticed that I was getting pulled into a deep clear hole then someone picked me up. I got closer and closer then I caught on “AHHHH'' CRUNCH!

Ryla: Perspective of popcorn

I’ve been in this bag for years. Suddenly I hear the door go ding dong. I get excited as the person picks up my bag. Since I’m only a baby I won't get eaten yet. My parents told me the story of my ancestors and how they were babies when they got popped they became a toddler and every day they got 1 year older. Anyway I see the red light shine on our pack. I think they call that a scanner? Now we move again. We get put in the hot microwave beep beep beep. The person comes back and takes me out of the microwave. My bag opens and I see a screen. When someone picks me up and swallows me and that was the end of my life.

Ava Rose: Perspective of pop-corn

I've been in the store for months. Suddenly I got carried to the random basket. I get put down roughly on the checkout counter. They picked me back up and dropped me into the basket again. “Wibble wobble” it wobbles side to side extremely fast. RIP!!! The bag rips as we walk into the movie theatre. CRUNCH someone picks my sister up and eats her. They pick me up and I slowly travel to the blackhole AHHHHHHHHH I dropped on the floor. I this is the end of my life.

Jorja: POP pop! Yay I was once a seed now I am popcorn. My bros are going to pop into popcorn pop, pop, pop, pop, pop and pop. In a second the people put us in a big box? I peeked and saw that the people tasted the butter. I was as scared as a cat Run! But I was too scared. I couldn't move Crunch! NOOO! I.. got chosen Stop! Crunch… Just a black hole.

Emma L: POP!!POP!!POP!! I could hear all the popcorn getting popped. I saw someone open the lid of the container. I was finally free! The person plopped me on the stove. BANG!POP! My whole body looked like… POPCORN! Me and my mates got placed into a bath of butter, next I got a shower of salt. A few long minutes later I was ready to go in the large white and red stripy box. The lady threw me in as fast as a lightning bolt, and we got handed to a little girl. I saw her hand coming closer to me. Then threw me up in the sky. I was going in the direction of a… BLACK HOLE!!!!


Joel: I was horrified. The scoop was here. It picked me up and left my family behind. I was in darkness for what felt like forever. Finally the box opened. Straight away I heard a plop. Is that vanilla ice cream? Ewwwwwww. I heard a crunch. He or she just ate popcorn and ice cream. Uh oh I'm next. Me and my friends are going to die!!! Well I have to say this is like the stairway to heaven. I'm here right outside the mouth here we go. Crunch.

Anoushka: POP! I watched in awe as all of my kernel friends became actual popcorn! I wonder when I’ll finally be elected to go in the medium sized, large sized or kid sized red and white striped box. Then, out of nowhere a giant lady with a green t-shirt came up to the counter and asked “Could I please have a large sized popcorn bucket?” “Sure of course, that’ll be $12.00” Then, out of the blue a large grey shovel thing come’s and picks me up and half of my friends! We are shoved into the box, and hands it to the lady. Where am I going?

Kaito: Me and my popcorn family were waiting and waiting for someone to lift us up. Suddenly we all rocketed into the air. Someone has lifted us up!!. We were the chosen ones. After a while someone opens our box. I could finally see light. A few moments later a massive screen turns on. Then someone’s hand reached into our box . They reach their hand in and pick up one of my family members up into their wet mouth. I was super horrified. Now I really don’t want to be eaten...



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