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If I was Poutama's Teacher

Mrs Lunn's writing lesson was a hit today. She told us the teachers are on strike (they aren't really though). We had to brainstorm all the things we would do if WE were Poutama's new teacher.

Check out our great writing...

If I was Poutama's teacher I would take my mini Black pug to school. I’ll let every kid in a Poutama sit on the bean bag and pat the black pug. But if they want to look after the pug they will need to be quiet all the time when we say so. Oh and of cause the classroom will be clean and modern but just to keep the children happy. Every Friday they could pick any teacher in Poutama to put apple pie in their face. and on every Wednesday there will be a trip for a example lido but on Monday mornings the kids in Poutama would be allowed to eat breakfast in the staff room. and we will have no uniforms allowed in school.

By Ivy

If I was Poutama’s new teacher, I would let the calm and amazing kids watch movies whenever they want. The only movies they can watch are Coco, Hop, Trolls tour world and Trolls. If they are naughty they have to go back to work and lose 100 Snidges or rub off one pin. So I would tell the kids that they have a mission to find their old teachers back! So the annoying loud kids can annoy the other teachers and I’ll go on strike!

By Ava Rose

If I were Poutama’s new teacher I would replace P.E with a trip to the closest buffet but there's a limit only 4 things per person cause it's on my credit card need money for gas to get home. I would also put a HUGE chocolate fountain in the middle of the classroom so whenever your extra sweet-tooth hits. If someones naughty they get kicked out the class for a hour.

By Katie

If i was Poutama’s new teacher i would let every kid in class bring a device to school and use it at any time. I would allow them to do anything on their devices like play Roblox and Minecraft and watch youtube. I'd also add all of the fun games onto the blog on the links page. I would also make it so healthy snack and morning tea was lunch times.

By Jack D-F

If I was a new teacher of Poutama. I would get rid of school uniforms and let the students bring any different types of technology but at a certain time also have more outside time on Thursdays we can do some science like elephant toothpaste and any time we want.

By Ben

If I was Poutama's new teacher I would ask Mrs Peak to make a mini volcano filled with hot chocolate and free cups on the side’s of it also with a lava hot coffee machine too.

By Jacob S

If I was Poutama's new teacher I would bring my… Kittens. I'd let them roam-free around my desk and I'd let all the good responsible kids pat them. If they want to get a pin its there decision if they want to PAT OR PIN!!!!

By Blake

If I were Poutama’s teacher i would allow the kids to play video games and bring devices on Monday Wednesday and Friday. But on Tuesday there would be free time and tacos at lunch. Thursday would be only outside games there would be a blind vote with three options. There would also be burritos for lunch.

By Alex

If I was the school's new teacher I would allow video games. Also we would go to the movies every Friday. Our school would be called no rules school.No more boring subjects hooray! No More principal fired. The whole school would be made out of chocolate.And number one of all... no healthy lunches

By Kaleb

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Jun 17, 2020

awesome stuff guys. I especially liked Kalebs because we could go to the movies every Friday, we weren't aloud healthy lunches, we could bring video games and most of all the school was made of chocolate!!!!!!

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